The latest buzz word for online world is HTML6. Almost most of the people shared their views on it. Now, let we take our turn and spread some limelight on it. Be whatever technology, newer versions always keep rolling out with betterment.…
Let’s explore a few things about the most important feature of CSS styles @media rule that is defined to specify the styles to different media types for different responsive screens, print layouts, other screen devices. Example: [html] <style="text/css"> @media print…
Highlight Search Results in ng repeat using AngularJS: Let us see how to highlight the search results in ng repeat using Angular filter. Highlighting the search result improves user experience and minimizes the search time when compared showing the search…
We always love to create documentation on things we newly discovered while working on technology modules. And, today ShareSoft Technology helps you to learn how to create - Drupal webform shortcode module through this documentation. Documentation Overview: This module’s purpose…
We always love to experiment different things which enhances technology, business and client needs.Let’s experiment how to get your website stats without logging into Google Analytics account every time. Here's how: Step 1: First create an empty folder name under…
Overview: This documentation is about discussing the process, we have carried out to create the admin grid for members list with simple form submission at Frontend and also describes the difficulties we came across when we processed this module. In…
Angular Js uses MVW(Model View whatever) Architecture. We can create a dynamic pages using Angular Js. We can extend the HTML functionality using Angular JS directive method. We can extend the HTML with four types Element - <my-dir></my-dir> Attribute -…
When i was new with magento i was get lot of problem with this wysiwyg text parse. i try to do that manually with php code. But after move inside the magento core function i found that method how simply…
Clearfix is one type of hack method to force the container’s(which has floating element inside) height based on the floated element. This is also know as Easy Clearing Hack. You can use this below code to avoid that layout issue…
Last week i was install this module one of my project. That has issue with Jquery in admin panel upload button. I was get java script error. So i check browser console part. There shows the error on Jquery attirbute…