Communicate effectively to scale your business. How it helps?

COMMUNICATION’ as we all know is a very important and powerful thing that can do wonders. Not only in business, but even in our day-to-day life, we need to communicate with others to live. In this blog post, I am going to share some of my ideas on how effective communication can lead to success in your business.
Let’s divide this into – Employee-Management Communications & Client Communications and see how effective communication benefits the company’s growth.

Employee-Management Communications (Workplace Internal Communication) :

Employees are the assets of any company. Getting the right candidate and making them to retain as a loyal employee is one of the secret formula for a company’s success ratio.

  1. Your company has got a clear vision, mission, goals and of course, you too. But the success rate also depends on your employees’ abilities and their clear understanding about the company. Try maintaining a transparent communication layer about it as they are the ladder for your growth.
  2. Within a team, in case if you are about to start a new project, managers should give clear-cut inputs and talk to their teammates to get their perceptions about tech feasibility and everything. Clear-cut communications help to set the right expectations from the employees.
  3. A powerful communication inspires the employees, thereby increasing the productivity.
  4. Brainstorming communication sessions motivate the employees for innovative thinking.
  5. Regular communications between the employee and management helps for team bonding and increases the loyalty rates.
  6. Train your employees to follow communication etiquettes that can set your company standards in case, in front of a client meet/any other conferences.
  7. Know your employees – Get to know their skills and get the most out of it.
  8. Maintain an Open Atmosphere to make employees feel confident and comfortable. And, One-on-One meetings wherever necessary. Both are to yield FEEDBACKs from employees. Chances are there that NEW ideas can be generated from a fresher input, so LISTEN to them.
  9. Knowledge Share – Keep this in practice to share knowledge that you/they have gained on the past project experiences with the clients, new market trends or anything that can boost and charges their energy levels, thus improvising the communication gaps between employees also getting them for next milestones.
  10. Appreciate & Encourage – These are the two energy drivers for which all SOULS are longing for. Celebrate your Success with your employees, appreciate their achievements and encourage them for next levels. You don’t believe, this magic will have a huge impact on a company’s growth.

Client Communications :

Customer communication is another important success deciding factor for any business. Fine-tune your attention towards your clients for long-term relationship.

  1. Maintain a transparent communication about your process and procedures.
  2. Listen before you talk. Get their requirements clearly and understand their expectations. Be open and honest about your ideas.
  3. Maintain your communication etiquette, like – accent, tone modulations, body language, expressions and much more.
  4. When you commit on something, maintain it. (Timelines, ETAs)
  5. Maintain regular communications with your clients when working on a project. Schedule daily/weekly/fortnightly calls with them depending on the requirements. Practice to share MoM (minutes of the meeting) after every conversation to document what you discussed. This will help to withstand with your ETAs, follow-ups and avoid any miscommunication.
  6. Maintain a good relationship with your old customers, stay in touch with them. This might help to remember your company when they need some service sometime later or can even lead to referral marketing.
  7. Say NO, when you have to. Be yourself.
  8. Know your clients, help them sharing your experiences and knowledge and it’s all about building relationships and growing your business network.
  9. Remember that, you are the subject matter expert and in some cases you can be dealing with a layman client. Be patient for their questions of any kind- logical or not logical and maintain a balanced level in your explanations.
  10. Understand, you are talking to another human being just like you so, don’t forget to give a personal baseline touch that can make feel your clients warm and comfortable. In short, Professionalism carried on with a friendly manner, instead of being very formal.

Want to explore more about how an effective communication scale your business? Give us a call or contact us and let us talk.

About the author: harini osc

Harini OSC, senior consultant and digital marketer at ShareSoft Technology. A core SEO Marketer with hands-on experience in building brands through Social Media, SEO and Email Marketing.

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